Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Photo Issue #2, Page 1

For the full webpage, visit: www.IronFistRegime.com

In the drawn issues, I wanted every letter to be different from the letter before, and did sentences different. For the first issue, the letters written by the Soulscourger were re-written by my hand to look as close to that page as possible. This page, I allowed it to differ more. As we go on, the transition will continue until each letter is unique as it was, and will be again, for issues #3 and #4.

Which is a total and complete pain in my ass! I can see why my artist in the drawn issues didn't do every letter. When I finish this series (planned 6 comics), and if I move on to another series, I'll probably go to back to entire sentences. 

Photo Issue #2, Cover Photo

To view the full website, and updated on time, comic book, visit: www.IronFistRegime.com

And so the new re-issue begins!

I was surprised how hard it was to find a sickle. Easy to find saw blades, or curved saw blades, but sickles are apparently a thing that don't exist anymore.

Photo Issue #1, Page 18

Full site can be viewed at: www.IronFistRegime.com

The last page of photo issue #1. I love book ending stories. When Hones first steps in (page 11), Hones states every day he hates his job a little more. Now that he's dealing with a serial killer, he just out right hates it.

Photo Issue #2 will be following Detective Hones as he tries to hunt down this new vicious Serial Killer, much like he did in the drawn comics. While the 1st photo issue followed pretty faithfully to the drawn issue, the 2nd comic is going to have some additional content that did not make it into the drawn comic. While the 2nd issue won't start next week, I won't have you all waiting until next fall either. I'm hoping just a week or two off will get me situated.