2014 Approaches,and time to get some Resolutions on the board.
#1: Let’s start out with the heavy shit. Figure out my future. I’ll turn 30 this year, and its about time I seriously reconsider it all. At this time, I don’t know what I want from my future. I know I need to get a new career. I need to get out of Customer Service. I know I love writing, and I want that to be my future. I know I love Oregon and I want this to be my home. So I have some options that I need to make my mind up about before this year ends. Those options are:
A: Continue looking for film jobs. Expand my search outside of the Pacific Northwest. Some of my connections might finally pan out, and the thing I went to college for, film editing, may come to fruition. Problem is, I love Oregon. I love being close to my family. And Oregon makes escaping the city easy. Next, they MAY pan out, that’s not a promise. This would involve more waiting and less doing. I also haven’t done anything but volunteer editing since I graduated, and in the tech world, any time off kills your experience. I may have graduated as a “shoe in” to any position available (there were none), but now I’m not sure if I’m even qualified. There are too many things that make me ask “How’d they do that?” I might have to take classes to catch up.
B: Go to college. But for what? I’m not paying more money for a field that I’m still in debt too with little to no pay back. A job that would guarantee to pay is programming. I could, easily, get a programming job with a programming degree. There are pages and pages of those jobs posted every single day. But it wouldn’t make me happy. It would pay more, and I’d probably be happier than I am dealing with customers, but my job would just be a job. It would not fulfill me.
C: I could go to college for what makes me happy, writing. Get an English major or something similar. There’s a few jobs that that could be useful for. Like Copy-editing, or being an actual editor, and those I would enjoy. But there’s only a few of them, and some strong competition. I initially didn’t get a degree in anything writing related because I simply didn’t see it paying off.
D: I could go to college for something completely different. Medical fields are always looking for jobs. They pay much better, but I think I’d be less happy there. I don’t do well with physically sick people, and I’m not sure if I could stand the hours. Psychology / Sociology would be nice, but I have too many friends in those fields who can’t find jobs to think that would be anything but a money / time sink.
E: Deal with it. Realize that about 70% of the jobs in America are Customer Service jobs, and I should be thankful for th- Fuck that noise. Seriously. I know I can do better.
#2. Let’s calm this right down now. Stay physically fit and healthy. If I can maintain my fitness level, it should reduce my stress and sadness. Thing is, I keep taking breaks, and I can totally tell it impacts my head. I plan on doing at least 1 race a month again, and hopefully do more physical things like hiking / swimming / camping through out.
#3. Writing. Do it more. A lot more. Find a book club, a poetry club, a short story club, something writing club, and join it. Work on getting your comic out more so more people read it. Just do more writing and honing the thing that does make me happy.
#4. Don’t read more. Seriously, the one year I put “Read more” as one of my goals is probably the year I read the least. So...maybe if I do the opposite I’ll get the opposite effects as well?
#5. Be more active during Halloween. It’s my favorite Holiday. I did go to a bunch of haunted houses, but I want more. Either a vacation dedicated to Halloween, or maybe volunteer to be a haunter for the month? I was highly disappointed in what I did this year, and I know I can do better.
#6. Create a chaotic change. I need to change my job, but if that doesn’t work I need another major life change. Move, adopt a dog, invest money in something, become a serial killer. I don’t know, a change that forces me to change how I live my life day in and day out, and see how that impacts me.
#7. Hash more. Because running drunk through the city should’ve happened a long time ago.
#8. Join a pay for online dating site. Why? Because OKCupid sucks in Portland.
#9. Do more Yoga. This should be higher on the list, but maybe having it at the bottom is good. Read the top, and then skip the middle and read the bottom.
#10. Document how much I pay for alcohol in a year better. I want to know how much $ I spend in a year on alcohol!
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